with the University of Vavuniya

Our Vision
Become a prominent research and innovation gateway for sustainable development and governance, primarily in war-affected communities in Sri Lanka.

Our Mission
Provide research and scientific-based innovative solutions to address socio-cultural, economic and human security issues and challenges in war-affected communities.
- Use approaches such as the Theory of Change and emerging modes such as transdisciplinary, action, participatory, critical and transformative research.
- Explore all the potential ways to effectively adopt and apply policy frameworks such as the UN SDGs in compliance with the principles of accepted international instruments, standards and best practices.
- Document information and resources necessary for action plans and strategies.
- Link ideas, policies, people and practices for sustainable development by connecting researchers, policymakers and practitioners.
- Collaborate with universities, research institutes, policy organisations, local councils and NGOs/ CSOs locally, nationally and internationally.
- Harness the expertise and resources of the diaspora.
Latest news & articles
1 st International Conference on Harmony and Reconciliation with great success
The Gate Foundation signs MoU with the University of Vavuniya to promote research and innovation
‘Venmathi Handloom’ provides livelihood to war-affected women in Batticaloa.
Digital Literacy survey to be conducted in the Vanni region
Get Involved and Support Our Work
Our methodology to empower war-affected communities within the framework of social change theory involves both research and innovation processes and outputs. Financial support is indispensable not only for us to carry out our programs but also for the war-affected people to participate in our projects and become partners in the process of transformation for empowerment. Unlike traditional top-down development models managed at the central level, our approach is grounded in an integrated empowerment model that creates an environment in which informationally, technologically, and economically disempowered and disadvantaged individuals can discuss and mediate solutions with stakeholders on an equal footing.
Your little contribution will help us do great things among war-affected communities. Thank you.